Welcome To Mission Pécs
(Üdvözöljük a pécsi misszióban honlapján)
In 2021, the Bainbridge family relocated from Dover to serve as missionaries in the Hungarian city of Pécs. One Church Dover commissioned Nigel and Rachel to establish a new group of believers in Kertváros (the southern suburb of Pécs).
During the early part of 2022, Nigel led a weekly Bible study in the Nevkó cultural centre in the centre of Kertváros. After a period of prayer and fasting a new opportunity opened in autumn 2022. The Apostolic Church in Pécs (Kikötő Keresztény Gyülekezet) are the main Hungarian partner for Mission Pécs. A small team from Since autumn 2022, Mission Pécs has had a developing friendship with the local charity, Mosolymanó Egyesület. Monthly worship services were arranged in their building between November 2022 and May 2023.
Rachel led summer children’s camps in the Melinda Utca Community Centre in the summer of 2022 and 2023. Monthly children’s clubs on a Saturday morning continue to be organised in the Mosolymanó building. Food aid is given out at various occasions but especially at Christmas. Also, a semi-derelict piece of land is being restored into a community garden.
The local name for Mission Pécs is ‘Eden’. The Garden of Eden was a safe place, with deep relationships and real productivity. We believe that Jesus wants to speak hope into all of our lives and to help us change. Our vision is for a new worshipping community Christ-followers in Kertváros.

Nigel and Rachel relocated to the UK in April 2023. Their son, Joseph Bainbridge, is an undergraduate at Pécs University. Nigel works at Community Church Deal and visits Pécs regularly – often with personnel from the UK. A committed local team from Kikötő Keresztény Gyülekezet manage the day-to-day church planting work in Kertváros.
Emily Bainbridge served the launch of Mission Pécs, and Cameron Jones (Bala Coleg, North Wales) was an intern with Mission Pécs from September 2021 until March 2022.
Mission Pécs is an example of close partnership working between three partners churches (One Church Dover, Kikötő Keresztény Gyülekezet (Pécs) and Community Church Deal) and four supporter churches (Burnt Oak Christian Fellowship in Edgeware, Connect Church in Kirkcaldy, Maidstone International Community Church, and All Nations’ Centre in Kennington). Mission Pecs is grateful for many individuals who financially contribute and faithfully pray.
Follow Our Journey
‘Mission Pécs is hugely exciting for us as a movement, to be able to take a fresh approach to overseas mission with the same passion as we’ve always had, but with new methods and collaborative commitment. I believe Nigel and Rachel Bainbridge’s move will be the first of many such new initiatives’
- Ivan Parker (National leader, AC UK)

English - Hungarian Worship Song
This is a beautiful collaboration made by the worship groups from One Church Dover and Kikötő Keresztény Gyülekezet

Connect with Us (Kapcsolat)
We would love to hear from you! Send us an email with any questions you have!
Email - missionpecs@gmail.com
Instagram - @mission_pecs
Facebook - Mission Pécs