ONE Generation

A thriving and wonderful space for over 55s to socialise, exercise, and find community & purpose.

ONE Generation meet together every other Thursday, in The Auditorium at ONE Church, from 13:00-15:00

We enjoy seated exercise, craft, dancing, music, outings, and many other activities.
But above all, we enjoy creating a space where people of slightly older generations can connect, build friendships, and feel at home.

What's on?
Thursday 16th Jan
Craft Afternoon
Come along and make a greeting card of your choice to give to a friend or family member.
Thursday 30th Jan
Movie Afternoon
Come and join us to watch a movie, with popcorn and ice cream too!
Thursday 13th Feb
Beetle Drive
Join us for an afternoon beetle drive! You won’t want to miss this one!
Thursday 27th Feb
Line Dancing
Join us for an afternoon of dancing, so dig out your checked shirts for this one!
Thursday 13th March
Bingo & Quiz
a fun afternoon of bingo and a quiz, so eyes down and pens ready!
Thursday 27th March
Short Mat Bowls
A new one for us all, score points by rolling your ‘bowl’ to get as close to the jack as possible. Who is feeling competitive?!
Thursday 10th April
Seed Planting
Dave, our resident gardener will be helping us plant some seeds ready for our summer gardens.
Thursday 24th April
Adult Colouring
Sit and chat while you colour. Colouring relieves stress, promotes better sleep, improves motor skills, uses our minds and develops our creativity.